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What is Christian Science?

Want to learn more?  Are you on a spiritual quest?


You will find the brief Tenets of our church towards the bottom of this page.  These are the essential points of Christian Science.


Also below, you will find two important passages at the core of Christian Science and healing, and which are read at every Christian Science Sunday Service and Sunday School around the world.


Scroll down the page to learn more about Christian Science and its Founder, Mary Baker Eddy.  And don't miss the Daily Lift for some quick inspiration.


Also, you may visit our Reading Room in person (next to our church).  Here, you may speak with an experienced Christian Scientist, who will be happy to answer your questions and lead you to helpful resources.  It's a quiet place for contemplation and prayer, as well.

Daily Lift

A Daily Lift for You



The website of The Mother Church

The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MA across the Reflecting Pond.

Christian Science

What is Christian Science?

Who is Mary Baker Eddy?

Christian Science is

Based on the Bible

Science and Health

with Key to the Scriptures

by Mary Baker Eddy

Practitioners - available to anyone, anywhere for help through prayer. They also answer questions.

Exterior - The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
in Boston, MA

Interior of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, MA with its magnificent organ and pipes.

Listen to
The Mother Church Services

You may listen live or replay.


The Mother Church

Sunday Service

The Mother Church

Wednesday Testimony Meeting

Interior - The Mother Church,
The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
in Boston, MA

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are available for 3-month, 6-month and 12-month periods.  Great for students going off to college or as Christmas gifts.


Mary Baker Eddy,

Her Life and Legacy

YouTube video from The Mary Baker Eddy Library   (9:54)

The Library's website includes Mary Baker Eddy's life, her writings, her accomplishments and a timeline.  It provides the history of Christian Science and the Church as well as setting all of these in their historical context.

The actual Library, along with The Mother Church, is a stop on various tours of Boston, MA.

In addition, the Library website has events, exhibits, the Mapparium (a 3D, stained-glass globe you can walk through), "Ask a Researcher", webcasts, podcasts, blogs and information on planning a visit (to name just some of the resources and activities available).


Check out these great topics:


  • Seekers & Scholars Podcast - This series "celebrates the spirit of inquiry" and provides "... monthly episodes at the intersection of scholarship and spiritual quest."  Such as...

Among the first to stand -- Christian Science and women in [the British] Parliament

  • Webcast Programs - Fascinating webcasts on a range of topics, upcoming and previous, many with a historical context.  Well worth checking out.  Try these...

ᐈ  Author talk with Professor Seth Perry [Princeton University]: 'In the beginning' ... America and Bible culture


ᐈ  Faith, Freedom, and the Great War—Religious Meaning in World War I 


ᐈ  Christian Science music and the modern soul

Mary Baker Eddy:
A Life of Discovery

Lecture by Chet Manchester


From Christian Science Lectures

YouTube channel

The Scientific Statement of Being

The Scientific Statement of Being

There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter.  All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.  Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error.  Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness.  Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures

by Mary Baker Eddy, p 468: 9-15

The Correlative Scripture

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.  Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.  And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

I John 3: 1-3

Each of the above passages is read at the end of our Sunday Service and Sunday School.

Palo Verde trees in blossom against an azure sky

The Tenets
First Church of Christ, Scientist

1.    As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.

2.  We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God.  We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God's image and likeness.

3.  We acknowledge God's forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal.  But the belief in sin is punished so long as the belief lasts.

4.  We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death.

5.  We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.

6.  And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.

Mary Baker Eddy

Copyrighted in

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures

Palo Verde trees in blossom against an azure sky




Sunday...................... 10:00 am

Sunday School........ 10:00 am

Wednesday................ 7:00 pm

Childcare is available for all services.

Reading Room


In Season (Nov - April)

Mon:    12:30 pm  -  3:00 pm

Tue:     12:30 pm  -  3:00 pm

Wed:    12:30 pm  -  3:00 pm

Fri:      12:30 pm  -  3:00 pm


Summer (May - Oct)

Mon:  10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Tue:   12:30 pm  -  3:00 pm

Wed:   8:00 pm  -  8:15 pm

(After the Wednesday Evening Service)

74025 Larrea St.

Palm Desert, CA  92260


Parking:  Ample parking is available in our parking lot and on the street

Reading Room located next door
to the church on Larrea St.


Privacy Policy: This Church does not sell or transfer any personal consumer information to third parties.

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